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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

a (6)

Movie review from a 6-year-old | BabyCenter
AMC discontinued its kids movie club this summer (bummer!), but the Cinemark chain still has a summer movie program going on, and my mom takes Violet every.

Creating a 6 Month Plan |
Creating a 6 Month Plan. Posted on July 18, 2011 by H.O.T Coaching · Share. WHEN YOU FAIL TO PLAN, YOU PLAN TO FAIL! This entry was posted in Goal Setting. Bookmark the permalink. รข† Weekly H.O.T Moment Tip- Choose Your Battles ... Zoo the dog, a 6-toed cat and a country ...
When I took the dogs out this morning I could have sworn there was a hint of autumn in the air. Of course, around here, that may not mean much of a change in temperature. We do have distinct seasons...

JM Tohline: A 6 Part Series: What I've Learned About...
Come back this Friday for the first post in another new series on the site: Six Simple Questions With - with an unbelievably awesome first guest (hint: the guest is one of the writers who was named by The New Yorker as one of the 20 ...

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